Us People Podcast is dedicated to educating and motivating you to recognise the greatness in yourself. This is a platform for honest and unfiltered conversation, where creative & unique individuals can openly discuss their passion, share their experiences and delve deep into who they really are.
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EPISode #158
Bar Markovich - Award-Winning Cross-Genre Violinist - Season 4 - #158 - {Chase The Opportunity}
In this episode of the Us People Podcast, Savia gets to speak to Bar Markovich - Award-Winning Cross-Genre Violinist - When we talk about the Seasons of life.
* Where life started and the change he had to go through
* People not beliving in his determination
* The love of music, but also him having love for life
* Relationships and how they change us
* Looking in the mirror and understanding your reflection
* We keep learning and evolving
* A day in Bar life as a creative emotional musician
Thank you so much, Bar? for showing us the many seasons of life.
{"Find The Opportunity That Keeps Your Soul Alive"}
Website: http://barmarkovich.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/violin_bar/?hl=en
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