Avikal E. Costantino - Author of 'Who is in?' & 'Beyond Self-image' - Poet & Martial Artist - S4 #148
In this episode of the Us People Podcast, Savia gets to speak to Avikal E Costantino Author of ‘Who is in?’ and ‘Beyond Self-image’, Poet and Martial Artist - When they talk about the many Journeys of life.
* His life growing up
* Falling in love for the first time and how it made him feel
* Understanding your mental well-being
* The most important thing in life, for him was to find out who he really was
* Living in the moment
* Being able to write with openness
Thank you so much, Avikal for teaching us to live in the moment.
Facebook: facebook.com/samarpanavikal7
Instagram: @avikalcostantino
YouTube: @avikalcostantino
Amazon Author Central: amazon.com/stores/avikal-e-constantino
“Finding your way home, is like finding a path to your destiny”
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